I hate people who…

I wish I did not have to write this particular paragraph but simply slap the living daylights out of some people. I am talking about the fools that think it is ok to make lame jokes about death and dead people. 

Sunday, May 05, 2013

…think it is funny to make jokes about the dead. I wish I did not have to write this particular paragraph but simply slap the living daylights out of some people. I am talking about the fools that think it is ok to make lame jokes about death and dead people. Death is no joking matter and soon it will happen to someone close to you and you will get what I am trying to say. Let the dead rest in peace and if you want to crack jokes there are so many other things you can talk about like how empty your head is yet it feels heavy on your shoulders. 

…forget that a salary is supposed to cover a whole month. I always find it weird that some people totally fail to plan for the money they are paid each month. I am talking about those in the habit of complaining that the salary has delayed when in actual sense it is just the 20th day of the month. They spend the rest of the month moving around and asking about when the money may be posted to their bank accounts. Some even take it a step further to check with the bank hoping to be surprised. These part time thinkers need to remember that a salary is for the whole month not the first two weeks. Stop exhibiting your fiscal stupidity for all to see. 

 …post photos of sick people on Facebook. To be fair, Facebook has appeared here so many times. After every time you hope that people will get the message and reform only for another brand of stupidity to show up. Today my beef is with those annoying idlers who post pictures of very sick people who are not even their relatives and ask you to write Amen just below the photo. Can we focus for a second? Since when did commenting on Facebook photos replace known treatment for diseases? And before I even go there, I thought Facebook was for networking not forcing tears or prayers from your friends.

…promise things they cannot deliver. It had been a while since I last featured our telecom companies here but I cannot hide this anger anymore. Yes MTN Rwanda what was that stunt of promising us free calls on Labour Day only to turn around and leave us with a very messy network connection that even at a cost we could barely make calls on that day? Why do you promise heaven when you are already struggling with providing the earth? Who are you trying to impress surely. You have been around long enough and we have endured so much together please do not start lying to us just because you want to scare your competitors. Is that ok?

…ignore their age when doing certain things. For this particular group, sometimes I just wish I could print out their birth certificates and post then all over the street. I am talking about all those men who in their 30s and think it is cool to spot a Mohawk haircut. Dude you are not a celebrity and that hairstyle just shows how little of your IQ is left. If you really want to appear younger, try working out and eating healthy that will do you more good than a stupid haircut that will ensure you remain jobless and with friends half your age. 

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or text me at +250 788 545293