Yesterday was World Press Freedom Day, a day yours truly cherishes as much as he does his daughter. As I woke up in the morning to watch news on the wires, my wife came tagging the baby.
Yesterday was World Press Freedom Day, a day yours truly cherishes as much as he does his daughter. As I woke up in the morning to watch news on the wires, my wife came tagging the baby. Looking at them, I was left wondering: if someone told her today that journalists are the worst persons you can ever date, let alone marry, how would she respond?World over, many people consider journalists the worst professionals one can ever consider for a relationship. And they have reasons, some benign, others downright silly and bordering on innuendos and other forms of stereotypes. I hear journalists are rumour-mongers, gossips, diggers and what-have-you.However, there is never a qualified basis to tag a particular trait of career into romance. If you shun a journalist because you believe he will always know about all your dealing, thanks to his intuitive ability to sniff a storyline hidden in the drainage, then whom will you marry?Let’s see: Roman priests are not supposed to marry, although we hear they like the behind of boys in the seminary. Are they worth your virginity? If you go for a pastor, he will tell you a bible of lies. He will claim he can see right through your soul, when his own soul is on the brink of insanity.Try an accountant and someone will tell you of how he will audit your finances. That when he leaves 10k home on Monday, he expects to return and find a solid accountability of how each coin was spent.Marry a gynaecologist and he will spend more time examining other women’s pubes than he will ever examine yours.So what will you do, stay single for the rest of your life?There is no scientific proof that journalists are this or that. True, the nature of a career can impart in us some special traits to suit the job demand, but that is not to say that such traits are ingrained in us. For instance, a rumour is something a journalist thrives on. Many of the articles you read start as rumours, which are then verified before they are given the attention they deserve.However, this does not mean a reporter will carry his modus operandi into the bedroom. Any lover who does so is either fixated or naturally a bad lover. The career will have very little, if any, to do with his behaviour.Before we are journalists, we are human. The idea that one can be born this or that is nothing but a fallacy cooked to pamper those around us for their innate abilities to achieve certain things in life.Nevertheless, it would be a denial on my part to suggest that journalists are holy species worth every woman. If anything, they, indeed, are among the worst persons you can think of dating.When you decide to date a journalist, you should be ready to understand when he jumps out of bed at the moment of no-return just because there is news breaking out somewhere worth his collar. Many journalists have no time for their lovers; they work late, are always busy and get out there to meet all sorts of people.The male ones will meet chicks cuter than you, flirt with them and get up-close. The female ones will meet politicians and you know only hell knows what God slapped in the groins of those beasts, especially the potbellies.But a good woman should learn to cut a line of compromise. Understanding is the best tool here. Appreciate his late comings and he will reward you with more love. Trust him even if your heart says he is susceptible to cheating and he will be yours.