MPs tour Akagera National Park

A committee of ten of legislators on teh standing Committee on agriculture, animal husbandry and environment, completed a seven-day tour of the Akagera National Park on Thursday.

Saturday, May 04, 2013

A committee of ten of legislators on teh standing Committee on agriculture, animal husbandry and environment, completed a seven-day tour of the Akagera National Park on Thursday.The delegation, led by MP Adolphe Bazatoha, was assessing the progress in solving human-wildlife conflicts around Akagera Park. Bazatoha told Saturday Times that efforts to end the long time conflicts were satisfactory."The construction of an electric fence to demarcate the park’s boundaries is bearing fruits. At least the damage caused by the animals to human beings and property is now very minimal. People’s attitude towards the park is positive,” he saidThe 2.5 meters high metallic mesh crossed by three horizontally electrified cables that will run a distance of 120 kilometers, at a cost of $2,764,436 (approximately Rwf 1.7 billion) is, however, yet to be complete.The process of compensating communities affected by park animals is also underway."The law is clear, a special guarantee fund will be used to compensate the victims. Victims  should, however, respect the procedures as there is no shortcut. People should know that no one will be left without compensation as the law stipulates,” he said.Jean Marie Makombe, Eastern Province Executive Secretary, reiterated the need to create an environment where humans and park animals lived peacefully.He noted the MPs’ tour was an important gesture of the country’s commitment to manage the long running park-community conflict."We welcome the MPs’ tour. It is all about supplementing what we have been doing as leaders in the area. Efforts to end poaching, animals attacking human beings and destroying crops are our prime objective,” he said.Makombe highlighted the importance of the park, noting that neighbouring communities had conceptualised it."The park earns the country a lot of money which is why we must protect it. But this should be done without endangering the lives of people. So, we are trying to streamline the situation.”