Equipment worth Rwf 1bn donated to Masaka hospital

Hospitals have been encouraged to coordinate with each other to allow sharing of specialist doctors. The remarks were made by the  State Minister in charge of Primary Health Care, Dr Anita Asiimwe yesterday during the handover of equipment worth $1,624,000 (Rwf1 billion) donated by the Republic of China to Masaka Hospital.

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Hospitals have been encouraged to coordinate with each other to allow sharing of specialist doctors.The remarks were made by the  State Minister in charge of Primary Health Care, Dr Anita Asiimwe yesterday during the handover of equipment worth $1,624,000 (Rwf1 billion) donated by the Republic of China to Masaka Hospital.The equipment include laboratory kits, consultation machines, baby incubators, syringes, an ambulance, among others and are expected to help improve the quality of health services at the hospital."Even though you do not have specialists, we have them in other hospitals. These should come and spend some time here,” she said, reacting to challenges raised.Other challenges cited include space, lack of technicians for the equipment maintenance and poor road leading to the hospital.The Chinese Ambassador to Rwanda, Shu Zhan, called for proper handling of the equipment and promised more support. "We shall continue to help in improving people’s health, especially those in rural areas of Rwanda,” he said, adding that the Chinese government would soon renovate the road to Masaka hospital.The Chinese envoy also said by the end of this year, a technical team will come to Masaka hospital for the equipment maintenance.Minister Asiimwe requested that once the technical team arrives, Rwandans should be ready to learn the skills. The Director of Masaka Hospital, Dr. Annie Izabelle Izimukwiye ,appreciated the donation, saying it would help improve the quality of services at the facility, which receives at least 141 patients per day.China has supported Masaka Hospital in different domains since its establishment in 2011.