Would you change your religion for the sake of love?

Some people have vowed never to marry outside their religion while others think love is stronger than anything. Society Magazine’s Martin Bishop asked a few individuals if religion would get in their way of love.

Friday, May 03, 2013

Some people have vowed never to marry outside their religion while others think love is stronger than anything. Society Magazine’s Martin Bishop asked a few individuals if religion would get in their way of love.

I would not because the person I love should love me for who I am and not for whom they want me to be.Silvy Uwimana TetaI don’t have a religion; I have faith, which is something very different. I can’t change my faith, but I would consider someone else’s traditions if they are important to them.Theogen GakwandiI don’t have a religion. I would not adopt one as I’ve seen some so called religious people commit awful crimes. I wouldn’t marry a religious person.Butare Makanda, Car spare parts dealerReligion is more important than love, so I wouldn’t change or expect him to change either.Caroline Umuhoza.ULK studentLove conquers everything. I would do anything for the love of my life. After all a person truly loves only once and I do believe God wants us to be happy.Janet Kajinja,Sojo EnterpriseMy religion is based on what I truly believe. I can’t just change that.Saad MuvandimweI have my faith and my principles, and this is what makes me who I am. If the person loves me, he’ll respect my religion too. The first person that I love is God - He created me.Alexandre Nkubito.EWASA EmployeeIf you ask a person to completely get rid of what they believe in, then what is left for you to love? I wouldn’t change my religion or let my partner change for me.Gad Aimable Gatabarwa