Man-space: a place women need to know about

Man-space or ‘the cave’ is an important space for all men; this is a place where they go to relieve stress and charge the male battery. It’s not only your man who needs this but men all around the planet. It’s how they are wired and it is extremely important for a woman to understand it.

Friday, May 03, 2013

Man-space or ‘the cave’ is an important space for all men; this is a place where they go to relieve stress and charge the male battery. It’s not only your man who needs this but men all around the planet. It’s how they are wired and it is extremely important for a woman to understand it. As a woman you’ve probably heard him say, "I just need some space; can’t you just leave me alone for a little while?” Well, it’s not being insensitive or hard on you. That’s exactly how men feel sometimes. They just don’t know how to put it in a silky way. As a 21st century woman, when you see your man starting to pull away just a little bit or acting as if he just wants to "do his own thing” don’t get offended, freak-out or go into panic mode. Just let him do his thing. Don’t chase him into his cave, or wait anxiously for him to emerge or sulk, this will only make him want to disappear again.You need to understand that men pull away only to fulfil their need for independence, but once they get a little time alone, they will come back ready to love again. The worst thing women can do in this situation is to chase a man into his cave. He won’t be very helpful or friendly and the woman could end up getting her feelings hurt. The best thing for a woman to do when a man is in his cave is to do something for herself. He’s not available for her so she should find ways to make herself happy. The happier a woman is when he comes out of his cave, the happier he’ll be. If he comes out and just gets nagged, he’d rather just stay in there. You need to learn to honour a man’s need for space occasionally and trust that he will come out of his cave. It’s not personal. Also, it would be great for a man to learn to warn a woman when he’s feeling like he needs a little "man space”. If the woman in your life doesn't give you the space you need, remember that it's not hers to give, but rather, it's yours to claim. Therefore, if you need more space for whatever reason, say so clearly. Do it as respectfully as you can, but hold your ground. Only you know what you truly need, and it's your job to take care of your own needs.