WHO WINS : LOVE OR FAMILY?( Blood is thicker than water)

I love my family. And I don’t think there is anything or anyone that will ever separate me from them- not even love. I have heard of stories where people have chosen love over family. I don’t judge them but I usually sit down and wonder. Wonder if faced with such a situation, what I would do! But still, in my wild imaginations, I have not thought of one moment where I would pack my bags to leave with a man that I have only known for a few months.

Friday, May 03, 2013
Sharon M. Omurungi

I love my family. And I don’t think there is anything or anyone that will ever separate me from them- not even love. I have heard of stories where people have chosen love over family. I don’t judge them but I usually sit down and wonder. Wonder if faced with such a situation, what I would do! But still, in my wild imaginations, I have not thought of one moment where I would pack my bags to leave with a man that I have only known for a few months. My family has been there for me through thick and thin since forever. I lost my parents when I was young and every one of my relatives has played a role in my life. If it wasn’t for them, I guess I would be dead or somewhere in this world as a no body without any degree to talk about. That is just enough love for me to live on for a life time. So, how do I leave such eternal love for puppy love that can die tomorrow?I am not saying I am not human to fall in love and do all those stupid things that people in love do. In fact, I have fallen in love and it was a great feeling. However, after reading and hearing about stories of love gone sour, I reconsidered. People meet and fall madly in love with each other. A few years, months or even weeks down the road, they fall out of love and for some reason; they just can’t stand each other. Some go ahead to kill their partners. I have had misunderstandings with my family from time to time. But we always make up after the fight, talk about the problem and find a solution. There was never a day I woke up and someone in my family didn’t want to see me and followed it with, "it is over”. It will never be over with my family.  So, if I bring home a man that they don’t approve of, I will let him go. Or, if I love him that much, I can always ask my family to get to know him better and then make their judgment.  If they still don’t like him, then maybe there is something wrong they see that I don’t and this could be a problem in the future if I insist on being with him.  I can always find another love but not another family. As Desmond Tutu once said, "You don’t choose your family.  They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” My family is a gift that I don’t intend to lose to anyone or anything.