WHO WINS : LOVE OR FAMILY?(Love is the greatest thing)

Don’t get me wrong, I love and respect my parents. But would they respect me the same way I respect them if I let them make decisions for me just like they used to way back when I was kid? Well, if it was decisions like let’s say, choosing a suit for me, I’d bow and let them even if I didn’t like it. But when it comes to choosing my life partner, I’d be surprised if the thought of choosing a mate for me crossed their minds.

Friday, May 03, 2013
Martin Bishop

Don’t get me wrong, I love and respect my parents. But would they respect me the same way I respect them if I let them make decisions for me just like they used to way back when I was kid? Well, if it was decisions like let’s say, choosing a suit for me, I’d bow and let them even if I didn’t like it. But when it comes to choosing my life partner, I’d be surprised if the thought of choosing a mate for me crossed their minds.Unless love is the second most important thing to you there’s no way you can convince me that choosing my life partner for me is the way to go. This is my life, I need to be in complete control of my own decisions. Only I can decide what’s best for me.It’s my duty and my right as a man to find myself a suitable mate. I’m the one going to have to live with that person – not my parents. I know most parents mean well when they try to choose a marriage partner for their children but sometimes they make wrong choices. Life is never easy, but I always prefer to live with the decisions I make for my life instead of suffering with decisions others make for me.If I happened to meet the lady I feel I can’t live without, I would expect my family to respect my choice.  If they don’t like her and try to push me into choosing between her and family, I would definitely march off with my bride .This way if things don’t work out between us, I won’t have to blame them for hooking me up with the  wrong person.If your parents insist on not accepting your mate, your loyalty is to your partner. This is the person you have chosen out of many to make a life with. Even if your parents threaten never to see you again, to treat you as dead, or to cut you out of their will, just stick to your word and be with the person you want to be with.Parents usually don’t want to lose you any more than you want to lose them. When they see that you are committed to the person you love and the life you have chosen, they will come around. If your parents have healthy manners, they will gracefully step aside and encourage you to make your spouse the top priority.