Roots of crimes should be assessed first

Editor,I read about that horrendous crime that shocked the residents of Nyamagabe District in The New Times, but there are still things I don’t really understand,  especially the verdict itself.

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Editor,I read about that horrendous crime that shocked the residents of Nyamagabe District in The New Times, but there are still things I don’t really understand,  especially the verdict itself. It’s obvious that Donat Kubwayo killed his mother out of intense frustration. Either he has a mental disorder or he had endured great abuse from the victim.Was he assessed by a Psychiatrist? How will sending him to prison help him in particular and we the community in general? What I know is that he’s going to spend the rest of his life tormented by the burden of murdering his mother, and now that his photo has been splashed all over the media, he will be castigated forever.Isn’t that punishment enough? I hope that he appeals, wins and gets the counseling he requires.Kesha, Kanombe,KigaliReaction to the story, "Varsity student who killed mother to spend life in jail”, (The New Times, May 1)