EWSA seeks autonomy

Authorities of Energy Water and Sanitation Authority (EWSA) say the body is seeking autonomy in order to improve service delivery.

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Authorities of Energy Water and Sanitation Authority (EWSA) say the body is seeking autonomy in order to improve service delivery.

The officials raised the issue during a two-day retreat in Rubavu district which ended on Tuesday. 

They argued that lack of autonomy has caused the company delays in implementing decisions deemed beneficial to the company.

The retreat brought together EWSA senior management, board members and officials from the Ministry of Infrastructure.

"We are looking for autonomy to retain people easily, procure things easily and raise money easily. We are referred to as a company and we need to work as a company, we will be controlled by the government but as an operating company we need a bit of flexibility,” said Ntare Karitanyi, the Director General of EWSA.

He noted that without autonomy, it is not easy for the company to raise money independently, and other things like procurement and offering tenders, recruitment were done through a long process.

"What we are doing is unique,” Karitanyi added.

Elimination of barriers 

The chairman, board of directors, Robert Bayigamba, echoed Karitanyi’s remarks, saying there are other companies that have posted strong performances because they are autonomous. He stressed that autonomy would eliminate barriers in recruitment of more competent staff and procurement.

Prof. Silas Lwakabamba, the Minister of Infrastructure, welcomed the suggestion and advised the company to make a report with alternatives and present it for consideration.

Recently King Faisal was granted autonomous status.