YouthConnekt month to assess youth achievements

The Ministry of Youth and ICT will launch the “Youth Connekt Month” tomorrow in Ngororero District. The month is aimed at assessing youth achievements in the country’s development.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

The Ministry of Youth and ICT will launch the "Youth Connekt Month” tomorrow in Ngororero District. The month is aimed at assessing youth achievements in the country’s development.

It is also one of the resolutions from the 2012 YouthConnekt convention held last year

Speaking at a news briefing on Tuesday, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Youth ad ICT, Rose Mary Mbabazi said, "This month will be a platform for youth advocacy and clear strategy for youth to be able to meaningfully contribute to national building, especially focusing on the role of youth to build our society.”

Mbabazi said youth from all districts will participate in different activities ranging from those in line with economic empowerment, social contribution and the use of ICT as tool for development as well as activities related to sport and entertainment.

Under the theme, " The Promise of a generation ”, other activities will include visiting different youth initiatives to witness their contribution in national development and the role of ICT.

The Executive Secretary of National Youth Council, Alphonse Nkuranga, said there will be also be a YouthConnekt dialogue, where youth will discuss their role in fighting against genocide ideology to build a bright future.

According to officials, other activities will include support ing vulnerable persons, awareness campaign for ‘one cell one cooperative’ and visit to role model youth cooperatives at cell level, and facilitate registration of new cooperatives.