Trim that waist line

One of the most annoying moments you can d encounter is finding out your favorite pair of trousers don’t fit because your waistline has increased and your love handles are almost popping out.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

One of the most annoying moments you can d encounter is finding out your favorite pair of trousers don’t fit because your waistline has increased and your love handles are almost popping out.

So, how do you get to reduce that waistline, to looker smatter and fit into your clothes perfectly?

One of the ways is reducing your calorie intake in order to burn fats from your body, in particular your waistline. Replace those fatty foods high in calories with healthier options such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains. If you love your meat go for fish or chicken because red meat isn’t healthy.

Of course you can’t escape working out and exercising. According to Live Strong website, incorporating various cardio training is required to send you on your way to achieving that hard stomach you have always desired. Aim for at least 30 minutes of cardio activity five times a week.

Some of the recommended exercises for trimming the waistline include squats, pushups or press ups, swimming and walking.

One of the most effective ways to reduce flab around your waist is to jog or run according to Sandra Mutesi, 25.

"I was getting frustrated with the excess weight around my tummy and waist until I couldn’t take it no more. I started jogging three days a week, every morning at 5h00am and sometimes after work. The results are awesome, I have fallen in love with my body now,” she said.

Mutesi advises that jogging at least 30 minutes every three or four days a week that get you your dream waistline especially if incorporated with eating healthy and cutting out fatty foods. 

Based on research, a waist that measures between 32-35 inches (81-89 cm) is considered overweight for females.