She cheated; why do that again?

Over the weekend, as I chatted with friends online, up came the most debated topic in relationship history – cheaters!  These chicks had nothing polite to say about men, in fact, at one point; I thought they were going to start a riot. They conveniently left out the part where women cheat too and insisted that if and when women do it, they have good reasons! I’m sorry, what? 

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Over the weekend, as I chatted with friends online, up came the most debated topic in relationship history – cheaters!  These chicks had nothing polite to say about men, in fact, at one point; I thought they were going to start a riot. They conveniently left out the part where women cheat too and insisted that if and when women do it, they have good reasons! I’m sorry, what? 

Since I like being fair (sometimes) I don’t know what puzzled me most; the fact that they think it’s only seriously wrong when a man cheats or that with a woman, the man led her to it. I’m pretty sure they also said something about being bored. 

Okay, if you are that bored with your life, go bungee jumping, hiking, even sky diving for all I care…hell, introduce your partner to some Bonnie and Clyde moves if things are that dull. Please don’t come up with lame excuses like ‘you were bored’! According to, men have little control over whether or not their women step out on them. Women are constantly examining their relationships, and if they get the idea that there’s a serious flaw – even if that’s an erroneous assessment – she’ll start seeking other companions to spend time with. 

Dismissing the statements of my lousy friends, according to the above website here’s why women step out;

Emotional distance

This is probably the reason for many breakups but should never be a reason for ‘changing dishes’! The complaint? "He doesn’t pay enough attention to me, we don’t communicate enough.” Without emotional intimacy, she might be forced to look for someone willing to give it to her!


Women will betray their men if they feel neglected.  Now, "neglect” is somewhat difficult to explain, because what one woman calls neglect, another calls personal space.  Women must be free to grow, and a man who’s constantly there actually prevents that.  It’s something that’ll only be figured out over time, but if a woman feels neglected, she’s likely to seek a man who’ll pay more attention to her and less attention to soccer! 

Low self esteem

Self-esteem isn’t just something we want to instill in our children – we all need it. This is really simple; if a man won’t say and do the things necessary to supplement his woman’s self-esteem, she’s going to find someone who will, even if by all criteria her man’s actions were adequate. 

True love requires honesty and communication, and a woman who cheats on her man destroys any trust there may have been. Any woman who comes to the conclusion that she’s not getting what she needs from her man, and is therefore justified in cheating on him is a grand hoax.  I say, if you are really miserable in a relationship, don’t stress! Life is too short to just sit around being miserable. Get up and do something. If you choose to stay, find ways to bring that excitement back into the relationship (or make it a point to find the man you fell in love with, if he’s lost). If you choose to find excitement on the side – yeah – that isn’t the best idea; be fair to the guy and most importantly to yourself. Or else you’ll end up more miserable and seriously diseased!