Labour Day: Improve working conditions and productivity

Today Rwanda, and indeed, the rest of the world mark the International Workers’ Day, a public holiday in more than 80 countries around the world.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Today Rwanda, and indeed, the rest of the world mark the International Workers’ Day, a public holiday in more than 80 countries around the world.Even as this day is largely associated with the labour movement, through labour unions, it’s a day during which workers, in general, the employers and governments, in particular, seek to understand the challenges facing workers and how best to address them.In developing countries like Rwanda, May Day should serve as an opportunity for all nationals and local development partners to engage with a view to ensuring that everyone plays their rightful role in their respective capacity in nation-building.It is imperative that problems that might affect workers’ performance are genuinely examined and tackled accordingly.Rwanda is a signatory to several international labour related conventions, and, as such, it is critical that the country upholds the spirit and letter of each of these legal instruments.Such ills as child labour, unhealthy working conditions, long working hours and inadequate breaks, as well as all forms of unfair treatment of workers, particularly in the private sector, are some of the issues that need urgent redress.In Rwanda, it is worthwhile to note that there are significant gains with regard to fighting child labour, especially following the rollout of the universal basic education programme, which has resulted in more children going to school.However, no effort should be spared to eliminate the remaining cases, especially in construction, mining and tea plantations. Local leaders must actively take part in this battle, and have this duty as part of their performance contracts.Similarly, employers must create an environment that allows their staff to maximise their potential, and without fear for unfair dismissals or demotions, which will ultimately have a positive impact on everyone associated with the company.It is also imperative that government genuinely engages with workers’ representatives on such issues as minimum wage and maternity leave for a positive outcome.Happy May Day.