140 refugees return from Uganda

Rwanda is safe, secure and has elaborate measures to help returnees reintegrate in society, the in -charge of repatriation in the Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugee Affairs, Chantal Brenda, has said. She made the remarks on Monday, while receiving 144 returnees from Uganda at Gatuna border.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013
Returnees at Gatuna border post upon their return on Monday. The New Times/ Jean Damascene Niyitegeka.

Rwanda is safe, secure and has elaborate measures to help returnees reintegrate in society, the in -charge of repatriation in the Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugee Affairs, Chantal Brenda, has said. She made the remarks on Monday, while receiving 144 returnees from Uganda at Gatuna border.Most of the returnees said they came back voluntarily after receiving information from others who came to visit Rwanda and witnessed the country’s security and development.Joseph Kabudara, who has lived in Uganda for 10 years after he arrived from DR Congo, said they were fed on rumours that once in Rwanda they would be killed. He and the rest of the group were from Nakivale camp.But he made up his mind to return after the rumours were quashed."After different testimonies from our neighbours, I realised that all I was told about Rwanda were lies. I decided to come back. Once you are a refugee, you have no right, even if you can get something to eat, you are not settled,” he said.Odette Iradukunda, 18, said she was happy to be home. She hoped to benefit from various youth initiatives she has always heard about.Once back home, returnees receive basic needs, including food for a period of three months to help them resettle.According to Brenda, the government’s resettlement package also includes health insurance cover and housing support.She pointed out that Rwandan refugees have understood the idea  behind the Cessation Clause which comes into force on June 30 and they are eager to return.On arrival, returnees are taken to transit camp from where they are registered to enable them get national identification cards and receive resettlement package before being transported to their respective home districts.Since January this year, at least 243 returnees from Uganda have been received.