Prescription isn’t enough for patients’ health

Editor,La Croix du Sud might not be as perfect as we want it to be but I do believe that it’s the best hospital in Kigali right now in care, cleanliness, etc.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Editor,La Croix du Sud might not be as perfect as we want it to be but I do believe that it’s the best hospital in Kigali right now in care, cleanliness, etc.There are rude nurses everywhere; even in the US, where they are supposed to be so advanced. But I have to admit that it would help a lot if nurses and doctors in our region would learn to communicate, elaborate and explain everything to the patient or the patient’s family before they do anything on the patient (for that, Kudos to the US) because they let the patient know that the doctors are not performing anything unnecessary and that it’s for his/her own good.Also, it gives the patient the ability to say no if they do not agree with the treatment. But, seriously, these people went to school for years and years, so I do believe they know what they are talking about when they say you need to take this in order for you to feel better.Alphonsine, Nairobi,KenyaReaction to the story, "Top Kigali hospital under probe”.