Kamonyi Genocide survivors get support

The Catholic Relief Services (CRS) at the weekend donated 56 goats to 28 families of orphans and Genocide widows in Gacurabwenge sector, Kamonyi district, .

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Catholic Relief Services (CRS) at the weekend donated 56 goats to 28 families of orphans and Genocide widows in Gacurabwenge sector, Kamonyi district, .Marie-Noelle Senyana-Mottier, the CRS country representative, said the donation was geared at helping beneficiaries to fight poverty in line with this year’s commemoration theme of striving for self-reliance.Annual donationSamson Nzayisenga, the in charge of governance in CRS, said the donations will be an annual alms during the commemoration period, where they meet with genocide survivors and give help to the most vulnerable.Marthe Umugiraneza, the executive secretary of Gacurabwenge Sector thanked the Catholic Relief Service for the donation, noting that though it is a catholic affiliated organisation, it doesn’t segregate when giving aid to vulnerable people.Frederic Ndahayo, one of the beneficiaries appreciated the CRS aid and called for more support for vulnerable survivors.