Gakenke district wants missing director interdicted

Gakenke leaders plan to ask the Public Service Commission (PSC) to suspend the district director of administration, Theogene Buradiyo, for alleged misconduct, including disappearing with office keys.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Gakenke leaders plan to ask the Public Service Commission (PSC) to suspend the district director of administration, Theogene Buradiyo, for alleged misconduct, including disappearing with office keys.Patrice Hakizimana, the president of the district executive committee, told The New Times on Sunday that Buradiyo, whose whereabouts are not known, wrote a letter to the district officials in March, claiming he was not happy with the working team before he disappeared."Buradiyo wrote a letter to the district mayor informing him of his resignation, citing poor collaboration with the team. He was probably dissatisfied and went with the keys, we asked him to bring the keys but he refused until the police advised us to break the door to get in,” said Hakizimana. Fake papersHowever, later the district found out that Buradiyo had used dubious and forged academic documents to seek employment at the district.Besides the perceived indiscipline, the official added, the district contacted the Enseignement  Superieur et Universitaire (CEPROMA university)  in DR Congo, where Buradiyo claimed to have studied and found out that the degree certificate he presented before getting the job was found to be forged."He misbehaved as he didn’t follow proper resignation procedures. But even then we contacted the university where he claimed to have graduated and they told us he had never studied there,” Hakizimana said.According to Hakizimana, the district has no power to interdict a member of staff but they will request the commission in charge (PSC) to intervene on account of forgery and absconding from duty.Buradiyo is also the General Secretary in the Perti de la Solidalite et du Progres political party in Rwanda (PSP).No resignationOfficials of the party say they do not have information about his resignation as he occupies a public administration position and have not heard from him recently."He didn’t attend our recent meeting, and we don’t know about his whereabouts,” said Phoibe Kanyange PSP president.Police Spokesperson in Northern Province Superintendent Francis Gahima said the police received reports of his alleged forgery and are looking for him. Previously, Buradiyo was also suspended when he was the executive secretary of Janja sector in Gakenke district over alleged indiscipline.