Consolidate the gains of Umurenge Programme to sustain social protection

THE world over, Social protection is an important benefit in addressing community disparity. Cash transfer to the very poor if well spent on specific programmes like health and education can transform the lives of those in abject poverty. For Rwanda, this has manifested in the lives of beneficiaries of  Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme (VUP).

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

THE world over, Social protection is an important benefit in addressing community disparity. Cash transfer to the very poor if well spent on specific programmes like health and education can transform the lives of those in abject poverty. For Rwanda, this has manifested in the lives of beneficiaries of  Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme (VUP).Even for beneficiaries getting as little as Rwf7,500 per month, they have managed to save and meet other needs beyond basic needs like food. Many have saved and joined Saccos.  VUP was set up six years ago to help reduce poverty levels in Rwanda, and seven years down the road, the results are encouraging.  The beneficiaries include the elderly, those living with disabilities, children, female headed households, Genocide survivors, and the historically marginalised. Reports from 180 sectors covered by VUP indicate great progress.According to statistics from Government, VUP direct support increased to more than Rwf1 billion in March 2013 from Rwf400m in early 2009. It started in 30 sectors across the country, supporting around 6,000 households. The coverage has since increased to 180 sectors with more than 40,000 households benefiting by March. Despite the challenges, VUP is one of the success stories in social protection strategies that other countries can emulate. Emerging from poverty to self-reliance is still a far dream for emerging economies, but Rwanda is taking a road that makes this dream a possibility. The government’s 10-year social protection programme that was unveiled in 2011 is on course and all stakeholders, especially local leaders, should consolidate the achievements of this programme to ensure sustainability of the social protection programme.