CJ Mutunga denies bribery claims

NAIROBI. Kenya’s Chief Justice Willy Mutunga took to the social media on Monday morning to deny claims that he was bribed during Raila Odinga’s presidential petition against election of President Uhuru Kenyatta

Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Kenyau2019s Chief Justice Willy Mutunga. Net photo.

NAIROBI. Kenya’s Chief Justice Willy Mutunga took to the social media on Monday morning to deny claims that he was bribed during Raila Odinga’s presidential petition against election of President Uhuru KenyattaDr Mutunga, in a statement, said he has never been bribed and urged Kenyans to show respect to members of the Judiciary.In a Facebook posting titled; "The Judiciary demands justice from Kenyans”, the Chief Justice said allegations of bribery during the petition caused him anguish, and he could have personally arrested whoever attempted to do so."For me the most hurtful allegation was that I had been bribed in the Presidential Petition. I did not know where to turn. I have never been offered a bribe in my life. I have no doubt in my mind that anybody who dares to offer me a bribe, regardless of their status, would be the first one I arrest under the Constitution and the laws of this land,” said Dr Mutunga.In his posting, the Chief Justice recounted instances on social media in which members of the Judiciary were targets of public vitriol.Dr Mutunga additionally urged Kenyans to treat members of the Judiciary with fairness."Recently the Judiciary, and particularly the Supreme Court, has been the target of attacks from Kenyans. We have been the target of attacks, slander, libel, and outright indecent, vulgar, and unacceptable abuses."All I can demand from Kenyans is justice that they demand of me and the Judiciary I head. We must give justice to each other in implementing our progressive Constitution."I acknowledge that public service means accountability to Kenyans. However, the same Constitution Kenyans use to demand accountability of us, and they invoke it for the protection of their freedom of speech, and for their right to public participation, also demands justice for judges and magistrates. The Constitution does not decree that Kenyans are not accountable for their actions!"I urge Kenyans to give us justice! To do so is simple. If you have any evidence of our wrong doing the Constitution under its Article 168 allows you to petition the Judicial Service Commission for our removal. And if you do not have such evidence then give us justice, treat us as family, compatriots and fellow human beings!” said Dr Mutunga’s posting.Last Wednesday, the Chief Justice fired a fiery tweet at his critics, telling them to distinguish him as an individual and the Supreme CourtDr Mutunga, by being the Chief Justice, is the President of the Supreme Court that rejected a presidential election petition by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga that challenged the election of President Uhuru Kenyatta.