Editor,I think the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) and Rwanda Education Board (REB) have failed in this and that’s the reason why they are trying to pass the blame to these people who are genuinely trying to solve a serious problem that our country is facing.
Editor,I think the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) and Rwanda Education Board (REB) have failed in this and that’s the reason why they are trying to pass the blame to these people who are genuinely trying to solve a serious problem that our country is facing.We should agree on one thing: we have a problem of many people who have not gone to school at the right age, who can’t even join formal schools given their age and responsibilities, and we need a knowledge-based economy, right? Secondly, these centres can’t establish permanent schools because they are solving temporary issues. Let us not behave as if everything is okay. We should instead support these centres perform in accordance with the required minimum standards and also put in place measures of supervision so that MINEDUC/REB can know who is enrolled at these centres, under what circumstances, what age and so on, other than just closing them. Thank you.John M, Kigali,RwandaReaction to the story, "Education of private coaching students hangs in balance”, (The New Times, April 26)