Beetroot juice and its benefits

Did you know that a cup of beetroot juice can lower your blood pressure? Yes it can. I read this in a medical digital journal when I was busy researching ways to control my high blood pressure which I have lived with for a number of years now. Beetroot is one of those things I was never keen on eating – but now it has become my favourite cup of juice because of its health benefits.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Did you know that a cup of beetroot juice can lower your blood pressure? Yes it can. I read this in a medical digital journal when I was busy researching ways to control my high blood pressure which I have lived with for a number of years now. Beetroot is one of those things I was never keen on eating – but now it has become my favourite cup of juice because of its health benefits.I was also informed that beetroot juice can help people with liver problems. The most significant phytochemical in beetroot is betaine. Betaine helps the liver and kidneys recycle the amino acid methionine in order to maintain the body’s stores of s-adenosyl-methionine. Since liver is the primary mechanism for detoxification of the blood, it is essential that it functions properly. For people who consume alcohol, beetroot juice aids liver cleansing, improves liver functioning and protects the liver from excessive alcohol consumption.Another benefit of beet juice is the fact that it has been found to increase the body’s production of glutathione. This substance, which is naturally produced by the human body, is known as the body’s master antioxidant and detoxifier. Virtually every cell of the body uses it to neutralize toxins. We therefore need this substance to protect our eyes, skin, kidneys, liver and many other organs from toxic byproducts produced by the body through normal metabolism. If your system is rich in glutathione because of your consumption of beet juice they can perform their essential function of pulling these harmful toxins into the colon from where they can be flushed out of your system. Without adequate levels of glutathione many environmental toxins will however remain inside your body and possibly cause health problems.Betain is the pigment that gives beetroot juice its rich, red and purple color.This antioxidant helps prevent the formation of cancerous tumors and is therefore a powerful cancer-fighting agent.The nutritional value of beets has been proven through its effectiveness against colon and stomach cancer.This has been established through various studies.This should be good news to expectant mothers. Beet juice is a very good source of folic acid also known as folate. To prevent the possibility off birth defects, doctors recommend the B vitamin folate in a pregnant woman’s diet.Folic Acid is a key vitamin for proper fetus development as it helps in the proper development of the infant’s spinal column and optimal brain development.Folic acid is very involved in the production of new cells and the maintenance of existing cells.There are fruits that are excellent when mixed with others, but the best way to enjoy the nutritional value of beet root is by drinking freshly extracted raw beet juice on its own without mixing it any other fruit. This is the fastest way to supercharge your body system with this powerful fruit.