Exams cause global warming

I’m not really into things associated with climate. But for a long time now, I’ve been hearing rumours that the ozone layer is being greatly affected and I asked myself why are humans doing this to themselves? But the answer quickly came when I saw the atmosphere at KIST on Monday.

Friday, April 26, 2013

I’m not really into things associated with climate. But for a long time now, I’ve been hearing rumours that the ozone layer is being greatly affected and I asked myself why are humans doing this to themselves? But the answer quickly came when I saw the atmosphere at KIST on Monday. These guys walk to the exam while sweating; vapour can literally be seen, as if it’s smoke coming from their heads. As usual, they try to put on that look of, "Hey, I have other problems it’s not a panic attack!” but it’s okay, we already know the answer.  Just before the paper, everyone looks so calm till the invigilators come in with sealed papers - then you see people racing to the toilets like their stomachs just pulled Usain Bolt moves!  Panic attack again. After ‘sprinting stomachs’, everyone sits for the papers.Sincerely I actually didn’t know half of the things on my sheet but no worries because the rest of the questions were catered for by my summary. I looked aside and this hot girl I had a crash on for so long now looked...strange! Damn! She looked so old and the shock on her face as she looked at the questions just turned me off. Till today I can’t imagine my eyes actually once convinced me that she was beautiful. But hey, I don’t think it was just the students, teachers also had their share of panic. There was a correction to make and the student who noticed it happened to ask the invigilator in English and expected an answer in English as well. This man makes the correction on the black board but the problem came when students didn’t understand and wanted him to clarify more. The man tried to get hold of the little English he knew but his head kept saying, "Your English is insufficient to make this speech, please recharge,” and it added, "Sorry we don’t loan...this isn’t MTN”.This guy just walked to everyone in the exam room showing them what he meant. I later heard him say it was time up and I realised he had actually been loaned a little English!