Wife beaters and the ten virgins

THIS WEEK, two things struck out at me. It is hard to say goodbye to the people you have grown to love. The second and more important, is the couple which I have been using as the role model in my relationship, broke up.

Friday, April 26, 2013

THIS WEEK, two things struck out at me. It is hard to say goodbye to the people you have grown to love. The second and more important, is the couple which I have been using as the role model in my relationship, broke up.I was devastated! All looked calm in their camp. What was worse is that the sucker beat her before throwing her out of their house. She is a wreck and the calm, gentle person now looks more disheveled and wild eyed than Janet Jackson in Why Did I get Married 2.I had been admiring this couple for almost as long as they were dating. And when they got married, I was over the moon. Overtime, they became my best friends and recently when I fell in love, they gave me advice on how to handle myself in the relationship.You will understand why their break up hit me hard; she should be jaded towards all relationships in general. She is not. Rather it is her buffoon of an ex that goes around saying that he is heartbroken and hates all b***ches.Please understand, I am not taking sides here. Rwanda does not condone domestic violence and neither do I. Why? Maybe because you end up not only killing a partner’s self esteem but also ruining their prospects.They become jaded, thus starting the destructive cycle of relationships. A played guy becomes a player. A hurt woman refuses to open her heart to a fresh love. All because of a misplaced clap (read resounding slap).On the other hand, I do not know whether you have met this type of girl but trust me, you will get angry. I am talking about these ladies who say they are married to Jesus when they are asked about their marital status.Disclaimer: I am not against Christianity, I am a pastor’s daughter, remember? It is inappropriate to assume that Jesus is marriage material. Remember when he talked about God the Father, he said Our Father?  So assuming that Jesus is married to you is saying that you married your brother. I cringe at the thought.Your claim of marriage to the Messiah is a pathetic excuse to explain away your inability to hold on to a relationship.I have noticed that most of the people who say this are the rudest, most miserly sort the world holds, and their ilk has the audacity to assume that Jesus is the one who can put up with their distasteful selves.