Are you a ‘Cougar and proud’? (They should be ashamed)

FOR BLEAK folks out there, the term cougar is associated with women that prey on younger men. I have to admit, I had never heard of the word cougar until a few years back when I became obsessed with a reality show called The Cougar. I wasn’t that much smitten with the show as I was with the group of hot 20-somethings trying to win a woman’s heart – a woman well into her 40’s!

Friday, April 26, 2013
Maria Kaitesi

FOR BLEAK folks out there, the term cougar is associated with women that prey on younger men. I have to admit, I had never heard of the word cougar until a few years back when I became obsessed with a reality show called The Cougar. I wasn’t that much smitten with the show as I was with the group of hot 20-somethings trying to win a woman’s heart – a woman well into her 40’s! Who does that – some of you might ask. But trust me, after watching those ridiculously hot guys on that show, I’d be lying if I said age would stop me from preying on one – maybe even more! But the argument isn’t about if women should do it, it’s about if doing it would make you proud. We all have done things we are not proud of but piling onto those things means you don’t give a damn – it’s great not to give a damn sometimes but it’s even greater to have people respect you from time to time. I don’t know about you but the thought of some 50-year-old woman, sexually involved with a man young enough to be her son makes me sick to my stomach. Not that romance is not for older people, but can’t they do it with people their own age? I know that the guys are not exactly feeble little victims; in fact, some of them go out in search of these older women because of the stability that comes with ‘mature’ women. For the women, they become possibly more emotionally balanced. And while they seemingly possess these attractive qualities while fighting to avoid the effects of gravity, it doesn’t change the fact that it is still gross!I’m sure around the time Ashton Kutcher started warming Demi Moore’s bed, it was pretty cool. She was having such a blast that she didn’t mind parading her new ‘boy toy’ around her kids and ex husband. By the way, Demi has kids old enough to date Kutcher! Now, if he was SO into older women, why didn’t he go for Sharon Stone after separating from Demi? No, he went for a younger girl – someone who had no recollection of the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated!While they claim that they are absolutely certain they know what they want, it usually never turns out that way. So, stick to people at least a reasonable gap older – that way, you don’t have to worry about society’s scorn or a broken heart for that matter!