Babies like beautiful places

A baby like Andrew can never know why he cries. Babies like good looking places to live in. Places that are spaced give the baby enough air to breathe and to look around to see new things.

Monday, June 30, 2008

A baby like Andrew can never know why he cries. Babies like good looking places to live in. Places that are spaced give the baby enough air to breathe and to look around to see new things.

Andrew with a lot of smiles lives in a very beautiful, colored room with her mother and father. His mum says that keeping a baby in a clean environment is training him/her.

The baby grows knowing how to always stay clean because of the way he/she was brought up. Andrew in a pink decorated round basket-like bed smiles a lot at whoever enters the room. This is a sign of welcome.

He looks so bright because of the surrounding that is also bright. Parents therefore should always try to put their babies in good looking places so that the child’s mind can grow.
