Ask the Doctor

Hello Doctor, I get depressed so severely even over small things that sometimes my friends suggest that I use anti depressants! Is it okay to depend on them any time I feel depressed? Do you have any other medical tips to help me with this problem?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Dr. Rachna Pande.

Hello Doctor,

I get depressed so severely even over small things that sometimes my friends suggest that I use anti depressants! Is it okay to depend on them any time I feel depressed? Do you have any other medical tips to help me with this problem?

Brenda 29, Nyamirambo

Dear Brenda,

You are at that age when the entire world looks cheerful, but unfortunately it is not so for you. Did you face something sad which led to depression, or is it without any cause?

Depression as defined in one way is a medical illness that causes persistent   feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Sometimes it follows a traumatic emotional experience, where it improves after some time. At times there is no apparent reason but individuals get depressed over trivial reasons. In some cases depression is part of an organic illness with episodes of mania and depression. This condition tends to run in families and is said to be due to deficiency of necessary neuro chemicals in the brain.

Most likely you are extremely sensitive, hence small things depress you. You should learn to regard matters and people realistically. People around you will not always think or work the way you want them to. Do not expect much from people involved in your life as expectations if not fulfilled lead to sorrow. Do not give undue importance to things unless they are very damaging or life threatening.

Avoid company of friends with negative thoughts. People giving you company should be of cheerful and positive disposition.

Try to keep yourself engaged physically as well as mentally. If not working, try finding something to keep you busy throughout the day. Creative past times like reading good books, painting, volunteer work e.t.c. shall keep you  mentally busy and away from troublesome depressive thoughts. After keeping yourself busy creatively, you shall see the difference in your attitude. You shall definitely feel more cheerful and happy after this. 

Depression is also a sign of a weak mind which gets ruffled over trivial things. Therefore you should make efforts to strengthen your mind.  Prayers, meditation, yoga e.t.c help to overcome a weak mind.  One can practice one or more of these.

Regarding anti-depressant drugs, consider them a last resort. If depression is severe enough to interfere with your day to day life, you can take these drugs. But the moment you start feeling better you can stop them. Various anti-depressant drugs are available .But if consuming them for a long time; one would invariably experience side effects. These effects can be troublesome and cause dryness of mouth, rigidity of limbs, excess somnolence, and sexual impotence. Moreover these drugs tend to have strong interaction with other drugs like those used for vomiting, common cold, epilepsy, and dyspepsia, among others thus reducing their efficiency or increasing side effects. 

In short, you can try above mentioned measures to overcome depression. If the problem continues, take anti-depressant drugs but for a short time.