Love letter to mom

My mother, Uwobasa Marie Thérèse, is a woman with a big heart and tremendous generosity. She is the group leader of Kabilizi Village or “Umukuru  w’Umudugudu” in Muhima Sector.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Women Today magazine, in conjunction with The Point, an events management company, is celebrating the most important women in our lives. Our mothers.  This year, to celebrate Mothers Day on May 12, we ask our readers to write a letter to their mother to tell them how they feel about them and the impact they have had in their lives.

My mother, Uwobasa Marie Thérèse, is a woman with a big heart and tremendous generosity. She is the group leader of Kabilizi Village or "Umukuru  w’Umudugudu” in Muhima Sector. 

Since childhood my father always told us to address any issues we had to our mother. She was the one to tell him about those issues without us addressing him directly! 

My mother is the kind of woman who is always trying to help others. In our area she is known as "Mukecuru” (grandmother) even though she is not old! 

I remember when I got pregnant at 17. I was a kid and didn’t know what to do. I was scared of my father because whenever he came home, he was drunk and always shouting at us. 

I had made a big mistake and was scared to death of my father. I could not tell my mother either. Then one day she found out, and it was devastating knowing that my father would take his frustrations out on her. She stood by me when my father wanted nothing to do with me. 

My mother found a school that accepted me even when pregnant, and when I gave birth she told me, "My daughter, go back to school and leave your child with me because knowledge is more important than staying here and raising your child.” 

At first, I didn’t understand. I thought my parents wanted to separate me from my baby, but mother told me to go. "I will look after her,” she said.

Eventually, father asked me to forgive him for the way he treated me, which I did. He stopped drinking and also stopped the emotional and physical abuse he tormented my mother with. They are now living together, strong and happy. 

Now, I am married and I have a good job. I will never forget what my mother endured for my sake. I thank God for having such a loving and understanding mother who has been there for us. I don’t know how many parents would have done the same! 

Because of her, I am the woman I am today and I can never thank her enough. God bless you Mother and have a happy Mother’s Day.