Wait, how old am I again?

At the age that I am now (floating somewhere in my twenties), most of my girlfriends from university used to claim they would be married and have at least one child by now and I would find that hilarious.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

At the age that I am now (floating somewhere in my twenties), most of my girlfriends from university used to claim they would be married and have at least one child by now and I would find that hilarious.

You see, I was from the class of women who thought I would get married closer to my 40’s than in my 20’s so I thought it was humorous for my friends sitting around eating snacks to think that three years from then we would have a husband and children running around.

I would like to note, I have always been the realist in my friends which didn’t always make me the first person to tell your dreams to.

There is all this fascination surrounding what is the perfect age to get married. A couple of weeks ago, there was an older women who wrote an article in " The Daily Princetonian”, the school newspaper for the Ivy school, claiming that young women should spend their university years looking for husbands. This was pretty crazy to hear considering most men in university are not marriage material.

Yes, some women may decide to attach themselves to one man with the hopes that after all that young twenties living, he will come out a good husband, but honestly why would you want to wait?

Most dudes I went to school with or dated in university were definitely not thinking of settling down. However, there were some towards the end who had chosen to invest heavily in a girl and today are still together but that is a very small percentage of the male varsity population.

Women are always being hounded about getting married, you are either too old or too young to be getting married, and there is no perfect age. It seems some Rwandan women can come straight out of university and get married and no one bats an eyelid, but I can bet millions of francs, if I was to step up to my parents and announce my engagement to my imaginary boyfriend from university, they would have laughed at me and told me to quit my day job to be a comedian.

So I ask you ladies, what is the answer to these questions, what is the perfect age for marriage and where do you meet these potential hubbies?