Working hours: A call to action

Editor, very interesting and I do believe also that growth is possible but I wonder like the case Sunny Ntayombya mentioned about notary offices which happened to me some few months ago in Gasabo. Iam not sure whether those office bearers know that time lost will never be retrieved.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
An empty office. The New Times / File.


Very interesting and I do believe also that growth is possible but I wonder like the case Sunny Ntayombya mentioned about notary offices which happened to me some few months ago in Gasabo. Iam not sure whether those office bearers know that time lost will never be retrieved.

I do sometimes wonder if some institutions take pride in having enormous queues of people waiting for their services. It only shows lack of professionalism and disrespect towards the people you are meant to serve and those who put you in those offices.


Reaction to Sunny Ntayombya’s opinion, "Want to realise Vision 2020? Then start eating at your desk!”, (The New Times, April 24)