Food crisis should be history in EAC

Editor,This is clear evidence that there is still much that needs to be done as far as food security is concerned. It’s a fact that for eons now, we have lined ourselves more on non-agricultural activities and thus ignoring our own economic backbone that is supposed to shape our economies.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Editor,This is clear evidence that there is still much that needs to be done as far as food security is concerned. It’s a fact that for eons now, we have lined ourselves more on non-agricultural activities and thus ignoring our own economic backbone that is supposed to shape our economies. There’s a need to get back to agricultural production if we really intend to evade this "drain”. Food crisis should be a thing of the past by now!Mahanta, Kigali,RwandaReaction to the story, "13 million people face food insecurity in Eastern Africa – report”, (The New Times, April 22)