Things to consider before relocating a business

Alex Kagisha moved his welding workshop from Gatsata to Nyabugogo, claiming his original workplace was out of reach for new clients.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Alex Kagisha moved his welding workshop from Gatsata to Nyabugogo, claiming his original workplace was out of reach for new clients.However as fate had it, nothing improved even at his newly found work station but instead, everything worsened.Just like Kamisha should have known, there are certain elements to consider before relocating a business and below are the tips.Zack Habimana, a real estate’s dealer based in Nyarutarama, points out that, talking to clients before shifting may come in handy."It is never a good idea to relocate if you are going to lose your entire customer base, so talk to them about the potential move. Ask them if they would be willing to travel for your product, or whether embarking on telephone or online communication can be a good idea to bridge the distance. If they don’t agree, may be getting back to the drawing board may the only option,” Habimana says.Hatching a List may do before jumping to conclusions. Create lists weighing the positives and negatives that you think may come up as a result of moving. Outline your company needs as well as reasons why your current location is no longer working. This will help you scheme for an appropriate remedy after examining what the challenge is.Have a discussion with someone in the area; nobody knows an area better than one who has done business there for a while. As long as the company you choose to talk to will not be intimidated by your direct competition, ask them about the demand for a business like yours and the challenges that exist.Seeking for answers online may not be a solution, speaking to someone in your line of business in the area, may be a better option. "Research the moving company properly, because they can either make your journey productive or terrible. Get complete information about the mover; check its license and customer’s record. You should be fully satisfied before taking the decision, so don’t rush,” shares Derrick Kayigi, a business consultant with GM consults in Kigali.Speak to someone who has relocated a business before; ask them if they would change anything they did during the process, what they found to be the most important consideration, and how their business dealt with the move. Take your time; you obviously won’t just wake up one day and pack to leave.  Chances are there is a lease agreement to respect; employees who may need transfer, as well as delicate property that may need time and caution to move.What type of tenants is in this new building you are moving to? Before moving into a new business premise, take a look at the existing tenants. Are their businesses compatible with yours? Will you be attracting similar types of clients, to the point that your business may suffocate?What are the facilities offered? For instance there should be adequate parking for clients, employees and visitors, because it’s critical to business success.