Half of Tigo subscribers registered

Over 50 percent of Tigo subscribers have registered their SIM cards.Diego Camberos, CEO of Tigo Rwanda, said that the registration process was made easy for Tigo customers, making it possible to have 50 percent registered within two months.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Over 50 percent of Tigo subscribers have registered their SIM cards.Diego Camberos, CEO of Tigo Rwanda, said that the registration process was made easy for Tigo customers, making it possible to have 50 percent registered within two months."We are delighted to participate in initiatives such as this that keep Tigo customers protected and that enable us to offer more personalized services to each customer  through our extensive sales force throughout Rwanda. We have made it easy and convenient for everyone to register their SIM cards near where they live or work.” Camberos said.SIM card registration started in February this year and is mandatory for every mobile phone user according to Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency (RURA).All SIM cards that will not have been registered by the deadline date will be deactivated and disconnected.