The powerful speech to end gender-based violence

Editor, I thank Minister Louise Mushikiwabo for her speech, at the United Nations which was  full of pragmatic conviction. Her words should be heeded by all in the conflict zones around the world – especially in Africa where many innocent people continue to be tormented by both incessant wars and gender-based violence.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Editor, I thank Minister Louise Mushikiwabo for her speech, at the United Nations which was  full of pragmatic conviction. Her words should be heeded by all in the conflict zones around the world – especially in Africa where many innocent people continue to be tormented by both incessant wars and gender-based violence.R. Ngarambe, El Fasher, North Darfur, SudanReaction to the story, "Mushikiwabo condemns sexual crimes in conflict zones”, (The New Times, April 19)