Kirehe rice factory privatized

Kirehe rice factory which was recently constructed by the government in Eastern Province was on Friday handed over to a private company known as ENAS.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Kirehe rice factory which was recently constructed by the government in Eastern Province was on Friday handed over to a private company known as ENAS.

In a colourful ceremony, the factory was officially handed over to businessman Alfred Nkubiri, the owner of ENAS Enterprise Ltd.

The private company will own the factory at 60 percent, while the government will remain with 40 percent of the factory’s total shares through people’s rice growing cooperatives in the district.

The representative of the Ministry of Agriculture during the take-over function, Norbert Sendege, said that the overall aim of the factory’s privatisation was to increase rice production.

Sendege reiterated the government’s commitment towards reinvigorating its agricultural sector, noting that it was only through such plans that Rwanda can handle its economic challenges. 

"We are beginning to see progress and a clear path towards establishing a sustainable agriculture. Investment through development of infrastructure, input, budgetary allocation and funding for farmers will continue,” he said.

Naphtali Kazoora, in charge of privatization in Rwanda Development Board (RDB), noted that Rwanda was working hard to be self-reliant on rice.

"We want to end import of rice and move towards exporting it in the near future. Advantages accrued in agricultural privatisation cannot be overemphasized. The establishment of the rice factory is a journey in realising the objective,” he said.

Meanwhile, the mayor of Kirehe District, Protais Murayire, has urged farmers to take advantage of the recently found electricity to maximize agricultural production. 

"The time for wealth without work is over… the factory provides the framework for you to get your hands busy, get out of bars and go to the farm. Take advantage of factories emerging after Kirehe got electricity,” he said.

"Government gives you all it takes. If you put your mind to rice growing, there is prosperity. Our land is too green for us to be hungry. Youths must be ready to work in the farms that we are creating,” he told hundreds of cheerful farmers.

Kirehe District is regarded as one of the country’s food baskets for its high production of rice, coffee, and maize.