Dealing with a cheating partner

What happens when your partner is cheating on you and he is not hiding the fact? Different people deal with this particular problem differently.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

What happens when your partner is cheating on you and he is not hiding the fact? Different people deal with this particular problem differently. Ascertain the factsBefore you point fingers you need to ascertain your facts. Sometimes we get the wrong signals and end up destroying marriages because of insecurity. Women have  this intuition or the sixth sense that really works, rarely are they wrong when they suspect something, but don’t just act on an intuition- get all your facts first.Confront your partnerOnce you have your facts right confront your partner. He owes you an explanation regarding his actions, though of course nothing really justifies cheating on your partner. Some men own up very fast and ask for forgiveness, while others will try to put the blame on you. Weigh what he is telling you and make a sound decision.Make short term plansWhen a partner is cheating on you, try and make short term plans. Long term plans with such a person might hurt you in the long run.ForgivenessI always believe in giving someone a second chance. If this is a person who owns up and then asks for forgiveness, then I see no reason for not forgiving him. Find it in your heart to forgive and forget and plan for a better future.Move on if need beThere is no need to continue living with someone who is making no effort in admitting to his mistakes and owning up. Move on if need be, life has so much to offer there is no need to live in heartache because of someone who is living in enjoyment.Infidelity in a relationship is heartbreaking. Many families are broken due to infidelity, and many people get hurt in the process; not just your partner, but children, family as well as friends. Things happen, and when such a thing occurs remember that it is not the end of the world. It is difficult to deal with a cheating partner, it can impact your stress level, which can literally turn into health issues.Take time to be still and think holistically about what has occurred. You do not have to rush the decision, but at the same time, do not torture yourself for years with the decision, that is going to be painful for you to bear. Trust life and trust that whatever decision you make is the right one for you. It is a hard decision to make, but once you make it, in the following weeks you will feel like a huge weight has been lifted.