Should the mini-skirt be banned?

Women in Uganda wearing mini-skirts could either end up in jail or face hefty fines under the country’s proposed new anti-pornography law.  Do Rwandans think that we should go down the same road or should mini-skirt wearing women be left alone? Society Magazine’s Martin Bishop sought people’s views on this issue.

Thursday, April 18, 2013
Ishmael Mbanda

Women in Uganda wearing mini-skirts could either end up in jail or face hefty fines under the country’s proposed new anti-pornography law.  Do Rwandans think that we should go down the same road or should mini-skirt wearing women be left alone? Society Magazine’s Martin Bishop sought people’s views on this issue.Yes, our government should do something about it!  More and more young women these days dress like strippers .If I had my way, I would have hot pants, miniskirts and low cut tops banned from the office and other public places because they are too distracting and immoral.Ishmael Mbanda,businessman.Yes. Any attire that exposes intimate parts of the human body, especially private parts, should be banned. If not for the good of the wearer then for the good of their parents and society at large. Deogratias Kankindi Bonny, Byumba-bound taxi driver.Modesty in clothes should apply to all women, regardless of their religion, culture or age. Let us all be human and respect our bodies. As for our young girls and women, they need guidance from us. This should come in the form of the law. Not because we hate them but because we know what’s good for them. Imelda Gahonzire, Rwanda Agricultural Board employee. Men have a tendency of ‘undressing women with their eyes’. That becomes easier when the clothes are body hugging, revealing or skimpy. These types of clothes always attract wanted or unwanted attention. Sano Willy, Nyakabanda.I love mini skirts. The mini skirt is the most feminine outer garment. Men can wear T-shirts, jeans and even kilts, all of which resemble our clothes. But the mini skirt is for "women only”. Please let us be. Marie Mukarwigema,Pharmacist.Sometimes the weather gets so hot that they seem like a good idea. Still girls should be careful when choosing their clothes. It is necessary for their safety. One may be running away from heat and instead fall in the grasp of a man maybe just released from prison. When he sees a girl wearing a short skirt, he can lose control and something irreparable can happen. A case like that happened sometime back at the Nyarugenge market. Farouk Rwasa, photo-journalist.No way! Women should wear want they want to wear. Those who say mini skirts tempt men, should look for another excuse. Wearing  mini-skirts does not warrant men to rape women. Rwandan men are not animals without self control.Immaculee Ngango, Student KIST. .Personally, I don't think it is too much of a deal, People should be able to dress as they want.Afterall long time ago our mothers and sisters used to walk with their breast out and with only a skimpy piece of cloth to hide their private areas. Those who say skimpy attires attracts rapist are silly. A rapist will rape you whether you are wearing a mini skirt or a metallic costume. Mathias Mugunga, dentist.