Book Review: The Other Woman

Ellie and Dan are opposites; he loves that she’s impulsive and she appreciates his following all the rules. He loves sports and you will never move her to try out any form of exercise. Ellie doesn’t have a mother. Dan does – a mother, who is very possessive about her child. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Ellie and Dan are opposites; he loves that she’s impulsive and she appreciates his following all the rules. He loves sports and you will never move her to try out any form of exercise. Ellie doesn’t have a mother. Dan does – a mother, who is very possessive about her child. 

When she discovers she’s pregnant, she realises that her mother-in-law is ready to take over her family.

Ellie struggles to come to terms with separating the man she loves from the mother-in-law she has come to loathe. But it seems that having a child and saving a marriage means growing up in ways she’d never imagined.

In The Other Woman, Jane Green delivers a warm, witty, and touching look at mothers-in-laws and marriage and what they teach us about ourselves.