Authorities to raze dilapidated houses

EASTERN PROVINCE NGOMA — The district has embarked on a campaign to demolish all dilapidated houses in Kibungo in order to give the town a new face lift.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


NGOMA — The district has embarked on a campaign to demolish all dilapidated houses in Kibungo in order to give the town a new face lift.

Julius Kansime, the district vice mayor in charge of finance and economic affairs, told The New Times last week that about  15 temporary houses in Kibungo town, Ngoma district will be demolished.

Kansime who is also the head of a committee of leaders and traders charged with inspecting the state of houses, said that the houses to be razed are those that were built using mud and wattle, raw bricks and old structures built in 1980s and do not match the modern standards.

Close to ten permanent houses build recently but were not well planned will also be rehabilitated. The exercise started in Kibungo Sector where the district headquarters are located. But Kansime said it would continue to other trading centres across the district.

It was set to start today (Monday) using man power provided by house owners. "We agreed together with the house owners and traders that they will carry out the demolition exercise by themselves but if they fail as originally agreed, other mechanisms would be employed,” Kansime said.

After the demolition, Kansime said, the owners would be required to erect new three or more storeyed houses according to the new District plan.

"Any new house to be build from now in Kibungo town will have to be a three storeyed house and above. We agreed with them on this and I believe there will be no violation of the original plan,” he said.
