Appreciating our parents

A parent is a wonderful person on this planet. He/she spends sleepless nights trying to make sure that their children are healthy, educated and happy. A parent sleeps on an empty belly, fighting to see his/her children becoming important, responsible and knowledgeable in future.

Saturday, April 13, 2013
The Obamas with their children. Our parents love and care for us and we should love and obey them in return. Net photo.

A parent is a wonderful person on this planet. He/she spends sleepless nights trying to make sure that their children are healthy, educated and happy. A parent sleeps on an empty belly, fighting to see his/her children becoming important, responsible and knowledgeable in future.

He/she gives advice to one’s beloved children, counsels, guides and sometimes canes them in order to see them well behaved. He/she goes to work at dawn fighting for his children’s future. 

Our parents love and care for us and we should love and obey them in return. Here is a good example: Davis had very poor parents but because they loved him so much, they decided to struggle and find all ways possible to see how he could get food and also acquire an education. 

More so, his mother worked so hard so that Davis could always find food on the table while his father, on the other hand, worked all night as a security guard in order to get money to take Davis to a good school so that he acquires the best education. Davis in return was a good child who appreciated his parent’s tiresome efforts to make sure he gets a brighter future.

In so doing, Davis was very hard working in all the things he set his eyes on. He was very bright in class and tried all he could to always to make his parents proud and happy. 

So, it is important that every child learns how to make his/her parents happy. You can make parents happy through different things such as behaving well, performing well in class and thanking them for the good things they have done for you. 

Remember, parents are gifts from God and without them our growth and development would just be in vain. So, as your home work today, tell your parent or guardian, "thank you very much for making me who I am today.” And let Davis be a good example for all the children, appreciating our parents just the way he did.