In the mind of a killer

Okay, it is one thing to kill another individual and it is another to kill a child, more so your own!  In Uganda, on the night of April 27, 2004, Christopher Kasoma, 43, violently killed seven of his children and one grandson allegedly because of the behaviour of their mother.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Okay, it is one thing to kill another individual and it is another to kill a child, more so your own!  In Uganda, on the night of April 27, 2004, Christopher Kasoma, 43, violently killed seven of his children and one grandson allegedly because of the behaviour of their mother.

Now by violently, one might think I’m talking about strangling or poison. No, the man grabbed a panga (machete) and viciously hacked his own kids to little pieces. Now, I’d like to assume he was on some gravely lethal concoction of crack but in all honesty, this can only be the devil’s work. In March 2000, again in Uganda, cult leader Joseph Kibwetere and his colleagues killed close to 500,000 people in Kanungu. Apparently he convinced these people that he was taking them to the ‘Promised Land’ in ‘Noah’s Ark’, locked them up in a large room after asking them to smear themselves with some fire loving fluid and set them ablaze.Don’t get me started with Adam Lanza, who on December 14 2012, fatally shot twenty children and six adult staff members in a mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, USA. Seriously, who kills kids?In 1994, in an East African state some people still haven’t heard of in this day and age, Rwanda, evil came with a vengeance. Over the course of approximately 100 days (from the assassination of Juvénal Habyarimana on April 6 through mid-July) over 1,000,000 innocents were slaughtered in broad daylight by machete wielding militia in a premeditated plot by the then extremist government along with figures among the population called the Interahamwe. Now, this has ceased being crack or insanity and I’m sick and tired of people getting away with murder under the claim of insanity. Nope, they were very much aware of their actions. In addition, it wasn’t self defense and it wasn’t war! This was countrymen betraying their own and in a way literally unbelievable –now we coil and weep every year over people who should have died of natural causes! This was a father taking his frustrations with life out on his own kids. This was a bored guy who decided to use the Lord’s name to carry out his own evil agenda. And this was a boy who clearly wanted attention and chose the one way that was sure to get him plenty of it – kill little kids. I don’t know what drives an individual to such lengths; technology, brain development, no value for human life or just plain stupidity but what I do know is that the devil is roaming the earth and he won’t stop until we make it clear that we don’t want him here. As for my fellow Rwandans, I have two words for you…NEVER AGAIN.