She watched as I almost got killed

It was in the 90’s when I met Aisha, the most beautiful young woman. She was the only daughter of some mean rich sheikh. Being that we had no cell phones, communication wasn’t easy. Whenever I wanted to see her, I had to hang around her gate hoping they send her to the shops so I get a chance to talk to her or give her a hand written love letter.

Thursday, April 11, 2013
Martin Bishopu2019s Black Diary

It was in the 90’s when I met Aisha, the most beautiful young woman. She was the only daughter of some mean rich sheikh. Being that we had no cell phones, communication wasn’t easy. Whenever I wanted to see her, I had to hang around her gate hoping they send her to the shops so I get a chance to talk to her or give her a hand written love letter. On the fateful day, dressed in black, I hovered at her gate, pacing back and forth waiting. Suspicious neighbours mistook me for one of the hooligans that terrorize their village.  In no minute, a small crowd had formed around me, I was seized before I could turn and run.I was beaten like a snake till I forgot my name. I started making peace with my Creator for I knew I was going to meet him in no minute. Just when I thought I was going to blackout, the beating and pounding ceased. For a second I thought I had died - it was the village chief and not God who stooped and asked me who I ‘work’ with.I explained that I was in love with sheikh Kassim’s daughter and that it was her I was waiting for. I don’t know if he believed me or just wanted to perform his duty because I was taken to the sheikh’s home, together with the blood thirsty crowd. Aisha was called and asked if she knew me. I don’t know if she did what she did to save her own skin or she didn’t recognize my swollen and bleeding face. She shook her head. In seconds, the pouncing commenced!   By this time, old tires and paraffin were brought ready to set me ablaze.My pockets were searched to see if there was a clue leading to my alleged criminal friends. I had my school ID and a letter written on a pink paper addressed to Aisha. The chief hushed the crowd and ordered someone read the letter out loud.The note hypnotized everyone! One by one they dropped whatever weapon they had. Aisha’s dad came and together with the chief put me in the car and rushed me to a local clinic. The following day Aisha and her mum came to visit me and we were given some ‘private’ minutes to talk.