Relationships: Love’s wakeup call

The other day I lost my phone in a taxi. I realised my loss thirty minutes after reaching home. In an instant, I felt a cold pang sweep through my stomach, not because I had lost the phone itself which could after all be replaced. But I had lost a lover’s phone number.

Friday, June 27, 2008

The other day I lost my phone in a taxi. I realised my loss thirty minutes after reaching home. In an instant, I felt a cold pang sweep through my stomach, not because I had lost the phone itself which could after all be replaced. But I had lost a lover’s phone number.

Losing her number seemed next to losing her. Apart from knowing the name of the place where she stays, and knowing other personal things about her like hobbies and passions, I didn’t know anything that could help me trace her as it’s not been very long since we met.

The loss of her number haunted me, whenever the thought of not seeing her again crossed my mind…oh gosh, it would hurt.

To take you back a little, this girl not only knocked me out at first sight (she is drop-dead gorgeous!) but she also talked with a heart-warming calmness, which could melt down the heart of a vilest offender.

Amidst contemplating what to do next, I remembered that on the day we met my phone battery had died. In an instant my mind recollected that I had written her number on a newspaper.

But I didn’t know where on earth I could get that newspaper. I combed the whole house, turning every thing up side down two times, but no newspaper!

I got the feeling I had given it to one of my job hunting friends, to see if a job could show up. He or she hadn’t given it back to me; they take us journalists to have no crucial use for newspapers!

That night I slept a troubled man. In the morning first thing was to call some people I suspected to be in possession of that paper, unfortunately none of them had a clue.

But just as I was on the verge of giving up, with a consolation of ‘whoever was meant to be yours, will always be’, my mind told me to launch another search, which I was inclined to oblige.

I went through the newspapers on my table with a lot of scrutiny, paying considerable attention on the front page, because I remembered writing the number on the outer surface.

I connected the date of meeting her until I got a vague estimate of the newspaper which could be having the ‘million dollar’ number. So my mind capitalised on a certain Sunday paper.

Guess what? I found the number just at the back of the news paper. I was overtaken by excitement, I felt as if the whole world had suddenly opened up for me!

A musician once sang, "There is always that one person that will always have your heart…and you never see it coming coz you are blinded from the start…”

In most cases, you don’t know when falling in love, it happens so spontaneously you find yourself powerless to hold back. Things happen so fast within a short time and you wake up one morning feeling as if it has lasted for a life time.

It’s the lucky ones who encounter moments that reveal to them how deep they have fallen in love. Since the telephone incident our love has blossomed from one level to another. Who knows what fate holds for us?
