Natural but quite embarrassing

So, back in my school days were I spent more time acting a fool than looking into a book, was one encounter that I will never forget – neither will anyone else who was there I presume.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

So, back in my school days were I spent more time acting a fool than looking into a book, was one encounter that I will never forget – neither will anyone else who was there I presume.A certain girl who apparently had issues with her bladder suddenly let the ‘fluid’ go right there on her bench as the teacher bored us with Chemistry. The girl next to her felt some liquid like stuff splash on her feet and turned to see what it was. Okay, we all know that laughing at people with any kind of issue is not nice. But you see, this girl had made it a point to bully and distress almost everyone in class – so sympathy wasn’t something she was going to get that day.Being the strict school it was, dodging classes wasn’t an option. The next day, she crawled back to class, and to her utter horror, one boy she had constantly tormented had drawn a little illustration of her – naming her little ‘leak’ after the ST. Lawrence Seaway – replacing Lawrence with her own name.Most women have found themselves in that one position where the red robot kicks in at some awkward time, in some awkward place. Again, this mostly happened in school. Boys just had a field day every time a girl had a mishap. They simply didn’t care – worse even was the fact that instead of helping a sister, some girls behaved like it could never happen to them and laughed along – harder than some of the boys! By the way Mother Nature, I’m still waiting on that text that says ‘congratulations you’re not pregnant’ instead of the usual ordeal we go through. Now, you will have to forgive me if you are eating or have a fragile stomach but I’ve always wondered why people are afraid of using the bathroom – for number two’s especially! I don’t know if it’s because people are teased about how long they spend in the bathroom but then again, number two’s ARE supposed to take a while, that’s why they are called ‘long calls’! And what kind of bored freak sits around timing how long another individual spends in the toilet anyway? Style up!Now, I know some people will rather swear on dead people’s graves than admit to farting but we all know that everyone does it. That’s why I don’t click people who behave like the sky is falling when they ‘accidentally’ do it in public or it simply makes more noise than they hoped. Dude, just apologize and get on with life. Insisting every other second how it came from outside yet we all know where it came from is just annoying.  @#*% happens!