The job that didn’t exist

Any guy with a job in class is always the guy ladies flock to. Well there is this guy who had a job (not so well paying but better than the rest of us) and this guy always had girls around him. I just couldn’t stand the fact that he had all the cute girls.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Any guy with a job in class is always the guy ladies flock to. Well there is this guy who had a job (not so well paying but better than the rest of us) and this guy always had girls around him. I just couldn’t stand the fact that he had all the cute girls. So, I started the hunt for a job and I wanted a really good one. But guess what? No one was ready to employ a student with no skills and no real motive for a job, but I couldn’t let this guy take all the hotties. It was obviously overloading, so being the Good Samaritan that I was taught to be, I had to help him carry some ladies off his back. I started telling people that I had gotten a job in some American NGO. Of course I wasn’t worried about them taking the time to search for the organisation with a forged name because for one, its KIST students we are talking about here - totally ignorant about Google. I start telling people of how cool it is and trust me; I took my time to Google the best offices just to tell stories of how the office looks like. Soon, I became the ‘ladies wine’ in class and even third year students wanted a piece of me. But because time always catches up with criminals, every time chicks wanted me to take them out, I always told them to wait for the end of the month since I hadn’t received my salary as yet. Well the month that was 31 days seems to be just a week. Everything moved so fast and on the first day of the new month, the ladies were all demanding. I had been pampered, massaged, and well taken care of thinking I was an investment. There was no where I could run to anymore. So first, I decided not go to school for about three days, claiming I was caught up with a lot of paper work. Then after that I still had nothing to offer and claimed I had travelled. Imagine where? To China for a conference yet my Rwandan line was still on. I run out of stories, so sadly I just sold my phone to get the ladies confidence back. We partied, bought some chocolate for those who didn’t party and ate some pizza. Soon I was back on top, till my mum asked me where the phone she bought me was. The month after, I could hardly walk around campus without a cap or some kind of disguise.