The secret life of .... Aime Le Grand, a.k.a Lion Eyes

Besides his career as a landscape designer, Aime is the highly acclaimed reggae artist, who has staged numerous concerts across Africa and in Europe. He also hosts a reggae evening show on Contact FM. 

Friday, June 27, 2008

Besides his career as a landscape designer, Aime is the highly acclaimed reggae artist, who has staged numerous concerts across Africa and in Europe. He also hosts a reggae evening show on Contact FM. 

What was you childhood dream?

I always dreamt going to Los Angeles to see Earvin "Magic” Johnson the now retired American basketball player who played for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association (NBA).

All my money goes on……

My family and my new house I’m building.

The moment that changed your life……..

Becoming a father at 17.

You don’t ever wish to become a……

A criminal.

You’re good at……

Reuniting people.

Who is your favourite artist?

Leonardo da Vinci. I love old art pieces.

Your style…


The person who really makes you laugh?

Jamel Debbouze. He is a French actor, comedian and producer of Moroccan descent.

The bar/restaurant you can’t walk passed……

Chez Mama Nouveau. It’s a newly established bar in upper Kiyovu.

What is the worst job you have ever done?

Working in gardens during winter. I was in Belgium.

Which actor would you wish to act your life?

Will Smith.

The worst thing anyone has ever said about you?

I was 8-years-old and playing football with my friends. This white kid stepped in the mud and told me to lick his shoes. This was the worst thing that I will never forget!

How do you relax?

At home chatting with my wife and holding my eleven-month baby.

To whom would you wish to say sorry, and why?

In 1985 my friends and I smashed up some guy’s car and then disappeared. Every time I remember it, I feel so guilty and I wish to meet him and I apologise.

Your childhood memory?

It was December 1985, I received a bike for Christmas from my parents. I was so excited and rode it all season, bragging to my friends.
