When being single becomes a problem

If you are or were once single for a considerable time, you must have obviously more than once been a helpless victim of nagging interrogations from peers or elders, as to why you are not   engaged.

Thursday, April 04, 2013
Martin Bishopu2019s Black Diary

If you are or were once single for a considerable time, you must have obviously more than once been a helpless victim of nagging interrogations from peers or elders, as to why you are not   engaged.What your "inspectors” fail to understand is that being in an affair comes at a high cost, like being able to foot bills for two parties; they fail to notice that it requires preparations first.What is annoying is that the very people who encourage you to go into a relationship unprepared are the very people who laugh at you when it has collapsed. So you see how people can be two faced?I don’t want to sound like a relationship hater, because it’s a crucial stage every one of us has to go through, the only complaint is that it only makes meaning when it’s planned for.  Some will even go the extra mile of labeling you gay or a victim of erectile dysfunction!Besides, today’s world has enough headaches  hitting you from all corners, so sometimes its best if you first postpone those that are not so urgent and concentrate on those that are more demanding, like means of survival. I know that most times it’s good to adhere to the demands and expectations of society since most times they are motivated by good will, but it’s also important to note that sometimes they can be misleading.Life is yours to decide and defend. You do what you feel is good. The people who question you about not being in love might have never fallen in pure and serious love themselves, so most times its illogical to take their counsel seriously. After all one of the people considered the most successful on earth like Steve Jobs found their first love when they were pushing 30. I’m sure he also underwent the same annoying reminders and probes.So, ignore the peer pressure and focus on what you will use to attract a meaningful relationship with time. You do not have to get a partner just because someone wants you. It does not work that way. If you are in a destructive relationship, they will not be with you.