Editor, The Howard G. Buffett Foundation’s assessment has the merit of bringing to light the disgraceful level to which the UN, and especially its Group of Experts, process has fallen.
Editor, The Howard G. Buffett Foundation’s assessment has the merit of bringing to light the disgraceful level to which the UN, and especially its Group of Experts, process has fallen.The complete opacity surrounding the prospection, selection and appointment of often petty individuals with disqualifying prior associations to whom so much power is then handed to sit in virtual judgment of UN member States is a serious inversion of the master-servant relationship in which non-entities appointed by other appointed bureaucrats then assume power over sovereigns.If nothing else the recent abuses of UN bureaucratic practices to lynch member States on behalf of either influential UN members or such non-State politicised organisations like HRW, means these processes must be scrapped immediately.The fact that Banki- Moon, a mere functionally no matter how glorified, can completely disregard a member State’s objections to appoint such Reyntjens’ acolyte as Bernard Leloup to succeed another acolyte such as Steve Hege illustrates that UN bureaucrats’ heads are now swollen from being allowed to get away for so long with their abuse of power and process.It is high time they are put back firmly in their place. Failure to do so, and fast, will eventually so erode the credibility and legitimacy of the UN and it will be consigned to the same fate as the League of Nations.Mwene Kalinda, KigaliReaction to the story, "US foundation faults UN report on Congo”, (The New Times, April 3)