Three things you should consider before buying your gym outfit

Comfort counts a lot when it comes to benefiting from your gym sessions if you happen to be among those whose schedule includes going to the gym. If you aren’t comfortable with what you are wearing to the gym, you won’t be able to exercise effectively.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Comfort counts a lot when it comes to benefiting from your gym sessions if you happen to be among those whose schedule includes going to the gym. If you aren’t comfortable with what you are wearing to the gym, you won’t be able to exercise effectively.

According to, going to the gym might be fruitless and ineffective if one is not comfortable in their gym outfit. You may easily fail to work out if you are wearing the wrong clothes or the wrong fitting. Comfort is therefore key in having a productive and rewarding time at the gym. Below is what you should consider:

Well fitting clothes

These should neither be too tight or too bulgy but just fitting and comfortable thus allowing free range of motion. If your gym outfit pinches or is overly restrictive then keep it for the kitchen.

Many women prefer to wear shorts, tights and vests for the gym which are perfect as long as they are comfortable.

Nelson Mukasa, a gym instructor at Health and Fitness Centre, Alpha Palace Hotel says that comfortable footwear is ideal in order to have a complete gym outfit. Have fitting sneakers with a shoe carpet inside along with comfortable socks in order for your feet to breathe well, stay safe from injury and stay at ease during exercise. There are lots of likely injuries in the gym so the best way to protect your feet is to have comfortable sneakers.

Buy stylish gym outfit

Whereas comfort might be ideal for a gym outfit, the same applies to choosing stylish gym clothes. For women, this is a great way to motivate them. Stylish workout clothes can be found at most athletic stores and these include flared pants, coloured vests for women with matching shorts. You can choose bright and beautiful colours. This will give you confidence and self esteem while working out.

Safety wear for clothes

Having your safety wear for the gym will save you from injuries. Mukasa advises that one should have elbow and knee pads that protect the knees and elbows in case of a fall.

The ground rule however is comfort, with this; you will enjoy your work out a lot more.