Men and women cannot remain ‘Just Friends’

Dear Its a Guy Thing, I have always wondered the great question that many learnt from the movie “When Harry met Sally”, can men and women be friends and not be intimate or have a purely platonic friendship? Or are men always looking to be more than platonic or women for that matter? -Sylvia.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Dear Its a Guy Thing,

I have always wondered the great question that many learnt from the movie "When Harry met Sally”, can men and women be friends and not be intimate or have a purely platonic friendship? Or are men always looking to be more than platonic or women for that matter? -Sylvia.

Dear Sylvia, 

Thanks for launching that bombshell of a question! I’m kidding. However, on a serious note I’ve had long conversations with both women and men on this particular topic. And interesting enough, there seems to be quite a differing school of thought depending on whether you are talking to men or women.

Most men don’t think that it is possible to be ‘just friends’ with a pretty woman especially if she is single, intelligent, well groomed and fun to be around. No matter how hard you try, you always end up ‘catching feelings’.

Women, however, think it is possible to stay in the ‘friends zone’. Personally, I don’t think that it is possible to stay platonic friends with someone who you enjoy being around, who is beautiful and fun. And anyone who tells you something different is a liar.

The only way that men and women can remain just friends is if one of them is unavailable or physically unattractive (although even that cant stop someone). 

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